How to write Dialogue 2019-2020

Dialogue writing

दुई वा दुई भन्दा बढी व्यक्तिहरुको बीचका कुराकानीलाई सम्वाद÷संरक्षण.भनिन्छ । सम्वाद सामान्यत २ प्रकारका हुन्छन् । तिनी हुन, औपचारिक.र अनौपचारिक ।




औपचारिक स्थानहरु ज्स्तै सेमिनारहरु, कक्षा, कार्यक्रमहरु इत्यादिमा औपचारिक सम्वाद को प्रयोग गरिन्छ भने व्यक्तिगत कुराकानीमा अनौपचारिक सम्वाद को प्रयोग हुन्छ ।


  • औपचारिक स्थानमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
  • वाक्यमा पूर्ण फारकहरुका प्रयोग हुन्छ ।
  • सहभागीहरुको सम्बन्ध औपचारिक (संस्थागत) हुन्छ ।
  • सर, मेडम, श्री राई जस्ता शब्दहरुको प्रयोग हुन्छ (सम्बोधन गर्न)


  • अनौपचारिक स्थानमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।
  • वाक्यमा संकुचित फारकहरुको प्रयोग हुन्छ ।
  • सहभमगीहरुको सम्बन्ध अनौपचारिक हुन्छ ।
  • सामान्यत  पहिलो नाम वा सक्बन्ध जनाउने शब्दहरु प्रयोग गरिन्छ (सम्बोधन गर्न)

Some Examples of Dialogues

Guided Dialogues
1. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate expressions in the box.
a.     We must wait here for the bus.
b.     Catch the bus.
c.      We're going to the bus stop.
d.     I hope so.
e.      The people are walking on the paths.
f.       Let's go into the park.

Jack : …….and we'll show the conductor this address. He 'll help us. 

Jill : ……… 

Jack : look at this lovely park……..and the children are playing on the grass. 

Jill : No, jill ,we can't do that. Come on now…….we'llbe at Mrs. Osafo's place 

very soon and you'll see little Abrham and Miriam.(Now they are arriving at 

the bus stop.) Well, here's the bus stop….We'll……… 

Jack : We must wait here for the bus and we'll show the conductor this address. He'll help us. 

Jill : I hope so. 

Jack : Look at this lovely park. The people are walking on the paths and the children are playing on the grass. 

Jill : No, jill, we can't do that. Come on now. Let's go into the park. We'll be at mrs. Osafo's place very soon and you'll see little Abraham and Mirian. (Now they are arriving at the bus stop.) 

Well, here's the bus stop. We're going to the bus stop . we'll catch the bus. 

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